Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Things I've Come to Realize

1. Videogames were a lot harder when I was younger. We didn't have online FAQs and complete walkthroughs and cheat codes online that we could look up before we even started the game. We had to play the same level over and over for days with trial and error until finally, a week later, we made it past the flaming zombies and biting goats to level 3. Yeah we would get pissed and throw the controller and swear obscenities and then our mom would come in and take the 64 away for the day. But it made us better people. Today's kids are soft.

Oh, and Pokemon will never be as cool as it was when I was 9.

2. Radric Davis and DeAndre Way, aka Gucci Mane and Soulja Boy are the two worst high profile "musicians" today, for different reasons. Gucci has steadily gone downhill into an abyss of mental instability in recent months, highlighted by his time spent at a psychiatric ward due to mental incompetency in court. Oh yeah, and he has a giant ice cream cone tattooed on the side of his face.

Soulja Boy on the other hand is an arrogant kid with less lyrical talent than a 8 year old boy who was raised in the wild by wolves. With beats that sound like a drunk stumbling into a recording studio and pressing buttons, and hooks and refrains that consist of 4 words repeated over and over, its baffling how he still makes millions of dollars. I saw Soulja Boy in concert (he was part of an opening act for Wayne),  and I couldn't even hear his pathetic excuse for lyrics because every 4 seconds there was a deafening gunshot sound effect that cancelled out all the other noise. Congratulations DeAndre, you go out everyday and do your job terribly, and still drive home in a bentley.

3. Will Ferrel is a one trick pony, but I will still watch every movie he's in no matter how bad it is

4. Relationships are nice, but overrated when you're 22. People rushing to get married because they're afraid they'll be alone forever need to cut that shit out. I'll give you that there are fairy tale marriages where highschool sweethearts stay together for 60 years and its a beautiful thing, but playing the odds I'd much rather stay a bachelor for a few extra years than get hitched quick and deal with the lifelong scars from an all but guaranteed divorce.

5. I can't tell the difference between pepsi and coke. People tell me there is but I can't tell at all. Coke has funnier commercials though

6. I can't draw as well as I could when I was in high school. I can't play basketball as well either.

7. I will never be a clean freak / organized person.

8. Technology will get to the point where you can buy the best, high-techiest, fastest cell phone with every application and upgrade possible, and it will be supplanted in 7 days by something twice as capable.

9. Nothing you see in a magazine with models in it is real, Photoshop is so seamless now you could make me look like Fabio and no one would question it.